A little background:
What is Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon? For 24 hours, we read books, post to our blogs, Twitters, Tumblrs, Goodreads and MORE about our reading, and visit other readers’ homes online. We also participate in mini-challenges throughout the day. It happens twice a year, in April and in October.It was created by the beloved Dewey (her blog has since been taken down, so the link won’t work). The first one was held in October 2007. Dewey died in late 2008. We’re still saddened by her absence, but the show must go on. The read-a-thon was renamed to honor its founder in 2009.
Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon is hosted by Heather and Andi of The Estella Society, with help from volunteers.
This will be my first Dewey's RaT. I was urged lots of times and all the time by my friend Karsyn@KaKiJoKoJA, who is also doing this for her 2nd time. I remember when she was doing it the first time and how much fun she seemed to be having, so I'm going to go ahead and take the plunge and join in.
Since this is my first, I'm not all together sure of what to expect or what my goals should be. I'm not sure if I will be able to do 24 hours, if I can find a babysitter to watch my son long enough.
Tentatively, My Goals are as follows:
~read 4 books
~800-1000 pages
I may add, or take away, the closer it gets, but for now that's it! if you are joining, link me up with yours so that I can cheer you on and visit during breaks also!

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