** I received this book from the author for my honest review**
3/5 Stars
I think this book is the start of a good series, it has a lot of promise, there are a few parts I was really confused about, and it feels like this is a starter book, more of a character buildup step 1 type book. I feel like there was a lot left out of it, that would make it less confusing, but hopefully the answers will start to come in book 2.
I liked the main character Lauren, she was really likeable, I didn't really care for Nick one way or the other, I liked Ali, she was awesome and the bff vibe was great. I don't feel one way or the other about Damon because he was in the book for two seconds the entire time. Dislike Parker, with a passion, and that's awesome for the author to invoke a strong reaction like that..
I liked the fact that Lauren was a programmer in a busy city, it shows me that she is smart and independent and driven to succeed. But on the flipside of it, she lets Parker treat her like a tiny little ant, it is a huge contrast, and I kinda wish that there were moments that she could have stood up and been like, a winner.
So there are some questions I had.. maybe they will get cleared up by book 2?? I hope so because im wanting to know what's going to happen next. I'd like to know where this playing with power is going to come into play.
1) Damon..i don't see what he has to do with anything yet, he was in one chapter, then for like a sentence at the end, and what about the book, I have no idea what that is, other than he was holding it and he gave it to her..beyond that it wasn't mentioned anywhere else.
2) I didn't really like or see the point in the second chapter, the flashback, because it goes from present with Damon to past with some guy who we don't know YET, nick.. to present with Ali her bff, it felt like this chapter should have been the prologue, then introduced the players at the present, then eventually introduced Damon.
3) at the scene where she was supposed to meet nick but ran late.. It goes from "thankful she hadn't slept too late and had an entire day ahead of her" to "eff eff eff" in the next sentence, I was so confused because I couldn't figure out if she was late for work, or if she went to work, or if she was working from home, or once at work, how she realized she was late? she mentioned with everything that happened and told him that she had a bad day, but what happened during the day?
so book 1 took us through the characters, some interesting things happening that could hopefully probably lead us to some awesome stuff in the next book,

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