TBR Read-a-thon, hosted by Wishful Endings. The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon begins Monday, September 8th and ends Saturday, September 20th.
Thoughts for today: Work was defin busy today, I didn't get much audiobook reading time in, but I still listened to a lot, because I had a lot of driving to do, I finally finished my dust land trilogy audiobooks, which didn't end anything like I was expecting, yet at the same time ended beautifully. I get home and I took part in a challenge, which led me stalking the challenge hosters goodreads which led me to realizing I needed to check netgalley cause somehow I ended adding a book on my to be read pile that interested me, that apparently was posted on netgalley, and also one I am anxiously waiting on, so I get on netgalley and realize I'd been approved for a few more books, a couple which are archiving soon. So I started reading one of them that is getting finished sooner, read it until I finished it, will need to write a review on it..
Nook/Book reading pages today: 346
Total Book reading pages: 2216
Total Book reading pages: 2216
Number of books I've completed today: 2
Total books completed: 14
Total books completed: 14
Books I've read today (plus not completed): 4
Audiobook time today:117.16
Audiobook time today:117.16
Total audiobook time: 907.66
Challenges done today: Cover challenge hosted by Wishful Endings, I found all four of her covers
Blogs I visited: 4 for the TBR challenge, 35 for random blogs
What I am working on now:
for audiobook:
Books Completed Today:
Up Next:

Lol! I love your little journey to GR and NG! :) Glad you got all the covers too. It's amazing how many blogs you can visit each day, not just for the RAT, but overall. I've dropped off my regular visits mostly these two weeks, but I'll start picking those back up soon.